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Showing posts with the label fitness

Fitness After 40- The Benefits of Strength Training

Get Stronger, Live Better: The Power of Strength Training After 40 As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle mass, bone density, and metabolism, leading to decreased energy, mobility, and overall health. But it's not inevitable! Strength training is a game-changer for people over 40, helping to reverse these declines and improve overall well-being.

3 ANTI- Fitness Habits To AVOID

Struggle with all or nothing thinking? Do this...

Do you ever find yourself getting really frustrated matter how hard you seem to try, sticking to a diet or workout routine always seems to fail? It’s not because of your intentions and it’s not because of your desire to change. It’s because you’ve fallen into the trap that we all do which is…....."if I can’t follow the plan 100% I won’t see results, so what’s the use?" Now that Summer is here, that mindset can derail us even more. But this thinking is exactly why most of us go up and down for YEARS when it comes to our health and fitness goals. It's the classic "all or nothing mentality". But here's the doesn't take discipline to get the results you're after. It just takes consistency. There's a BIG difference. Discipline is all about a strict and rigid adoption of RULES. Rules that, if broken, require punishment. When we apply that punishment to ourselves it usually means self loathing, and ultimately self sabotage.

5 Reasons (plus a bonus) Why You NEED To Be Doing Strength Training

5 Reasons (plus a BONUS) Why You NEED To Be Doing Strength Training 1. You won't get bulky. Seriously. Women who get bulky WANT to do it and work hard at it. It doesn't happen by accident. 2. You burn more calories at rest with lean muscle tissue, meaning you can work out less, eat more, and tone faster. 3. Bone strength. Weight-bearing exercise offers it in spades. 4. Energy. More muscle means more JUICE. Fewer energy troughs and spikes, better balance throughout the day. 5. Better sleep, rest, and recovery. Often within weeks (or less). But the BIGGEST reason I love strength training?

Weight Gain After 40: Understanding the Changes and Practical Solutions

  As we age, our bodies undergo various transformations, and weight gain is a common concern for many women over 40. But fear not! Instead of resorting to grueling workouts that leave you feeling drained, let’s explore the real reasons behind weight gain after 40 and discover effective strategies to maintain a healthy body. Hormones: The Culprit Hormonal Fluctuations : As you approach menopause, your hormones—such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone—start to play tricks on you. These fluctuations lead to changes like decreased bone density, lean muscle loss, and mood swings. It’s like a hormonal rollercoaster! But remember, you’re not alone. Metabolism Matters Sluggish Metabolism : Blame it on the hormones again! Your resting metabolic rate naturally slows down with age, and lower estrogen levels contribute to this sluggishness. Plus, you tend to accumulate more fat, especially around your waistline. But here’s the secret: Stay Active! Regular exercise keep

Hormones, Your Metabolism and Belly Fat

The truth about hormones & toning Imagine if your hormones worked with you. Replacing energy dips and mood swings with a smooth-running metabolism that builds lean definition while you eat more. Not only is this POSSIBLE... I can show you how to do it. Check out this video to see how!

Your fad diet nightmare

Have you noticed how people jump onboard with a popular fad diet, lose 5, 10 or even 20 pounds…only to gain it all back and then some. Why does this happen? It’s actually a simple concept, and once you understand it you will be forever saved from the tortures of yo-yo dieting. Fad diets saddle you with unsustainable calorie restrictions and some even cut out entire food groups just to produce that short lived drop in weight—a process that is actually harmful to your long term metabolism. The fad diets also ignore one major component to shaping up: exercise. You see, most fad diets operate on one age old premise:  cut calories, cut calories, cut calories.  By restricting the type and amount of food consumed the fad dieter usually sees an immediate drop in weight. If only it stopped there… But it doesn’t stop there. Life continues, and the fad dieter returns to their pre-diet eating habits—with one major difference in their body due to the sudden drop in pounds. Their calori

Don't fall for this weight loss myth

  People tend to assume that in order to lose weight they need to cut calories. This is NOT necessarily true. In fact, cutting more calories could be the reason you might not be losing weight. There are a couple things to consider first. What is your body and metabolism used to when it comes to your nutrition? People typically fall into one of three categories. 1 - Chronic over eater. You are consuming more calories than your body requires daily.   2 - Chronic under eater. You’ve been trying to lose weight so you cut calories.  You’ve been restricting what you eat for years and not seeing results. This can happen if you have a busy or inconsistent schedule as well. 3 - Yo-yo Eater. You try to be REALLY good with your eating.  Avoid carbs and foods you love.   When you fall off the wagon, you binge on ALL of the things.  You go from eating few calories to eating a LOT of calories. ALL of these types of eaters place a large amount of stress on your body and metabolism. Your body will no

Why you won’t get toned

All the hoping and planning in the world won’t get you toned. Not the newest research. Or throwing sh** at the fan until something clicks. As long as you’re in “hunting” mode, looking for the right program that will suddenly allow you to sculpt your body into the exact image you have in your head… You’ll keep finding restrictive and fad diets promising a solution that will never come. The real answer is simple. It’s holistic. But still you see diets saying “This one mystery food is forcing your body to hold onto lbs!”… Which is total BS. Outside of food sensitivities, you can eat your favorite foods as long as you can see the big picture… And use them to get toned on your terms! Macros. Strength training. Ample rest and hydration. Master those and you can build the leanest, strongest body you’ve ever had at any age! To discover how, and to finally make consistent progress without ever getting trapped in a cookie-cutter plan again… Follow these steps exactly!

Is ADHD ruining your results?

I love shiny new objects! You get excited about something new.  You are SUPER motivated because it’s going to be  awesome! You put in all the work to get started and it’s going great. And then… Squirrel! 👀 You jump to the next thing and never finish what you just started. Sound familiar? This happens ALL the time with weight loss programs. A new workout. A new diet. A new supplement. A new medication. The shiny new thing is the  key  to you losing weight and keeping it off. The truth is that it’s exactly what’s holding you back from getting what you want. The BEST thing you can do is be consistent. You need a program that you can do for more than 30 days… You need to learn the habits and flexibility so that you can sustain it long term. Last I checked, you’re going to need to be healthy for the rest of your life… When you shift your mindset to long term vs. short term, you will immediately start to see better results. Funny how that works. If you need help creating a plan that works f

What’s The Difference Between Counting MACROS vs Calories

Macro counting & calorie counting aren't all that different. Even with macros, generally you'll try to stick to a set calorie count. The key with both approaches is getting enough protein so the rest of those calories can do the required work for lean muscle growth. But, protein aside, there are a few major differences between these two philosophies. And once you "see" why I prefer macros and will always prefer macros... Particularly with increasing age... I think you'll have the same lightbulb moment I did.

5 Things To Focus on For Fat Loss After 40

Fitness success after 40 is all about doing the right workouts, eating the right foods and doing it the right way. The old way of doing longer and longer workouts and setting less and less are over. It’s time learn the 5 pillars to focus on

10000, 150 & 100 3 Numbers You NEED To Know For Fat Loss

Knowing the metrics, targets and goals on a daily, weekly basis can help a ton when trying to lose weight. Instead of just "winging it" try and aim for these very important 3 numbers. Spoiler Alert: the last one (100) is the hardest to do BUT so worth it!

The most important thing for fat loss

There is  one thing  that increases your fat loss. Without it, you will continue the never ending cycle of poor results. It’s not working out… It’s not macros… It’s not even walking… It’s even more fundamental than any of those! Here it is… It’s self-trust. Doing the things you say you’re going to do. Think back to the past year… How many times did you break a promise to yourself? I know I’ve been guilty of it! And it doesn’t need to be anything big… It could be that you were going to get up and go to the gym in the morning, but it was cold and raining… Or a work meeting went long and that’s why you didn’t track your food.  I’ll just start next week, you think to yourself. But these small broken promises make it harder and harder for you to stay on track. You can’t build on a broken foundation! So how do you fix it? How do you repair the trust with yourself? Make the smallest possible commitment and keep i

Exercise is Queen and Nutrition is King

Ever heard the saying, "Exercise is queen and nutrition is king"? 🏋️‍♀️👑 It's a powerful duo that reigns supreme in the fitness kingdom. Building muscle and losing fat isn't just about lifting weights or running miles. It's a dance between the energy you expend and the fuel you take in. Nutrition lays the groundwork for transformation; it's the king that sets the rules. What you eat determines the quality of your kingdom—your body.

This Ever Happen To You?

It happens to everyone. That moment when you realize that it’s time to do something about your weight. It may happen when you’re looking in the mirror or standing on the scale. Your first thought is to go on a ‘diet’ but as quickly as that enters your mind the ghosts of a hundred diets past return…along with all the frustration. (READ What Are You Waiting For ) Then you wonder, why bother? The weight will come back, as it always has. Then you’ll be back in front of the mirror as discouraged as ever. The answer is not to go on another diet. The answer is to create a vision and make it a priority. Creating a Vision.  What exactly do you wish to accomplish? If it’s weight loss, exactly how much weight? What size will you be when your goal is accomplished? Can you picture what you’ll look and feel like? Take time to clearly visualize what you really want to accomplish. This is your vision. Make it a Priority.  Having a vision is great, but unless you make i

The #1 Indicator of Fat Loss Success

There's a common thread between ALL the biggest success stories. It's not that they hit their macros or worked out perfectly all the time. Most didn't. And it wasn't because they had more time or better genes. Many are career-driven, have families, and look completely different after working with us. So did they have pre-existing experience with macros and strength training before joining? Hardly. Some had never tracked macros seriously or ever touched a weight before coming to us... And were hesitant to set foot in the studio So what gives? What's their secret? It was their consistency. Which many of them did NOT have until they joined.

Are You Eating Enough...

  If fat loss is the goal, the necessary strategy is a calorie deficit. The problem with that is most people are creating too large of a deficit, which works in the very beginning, but then ends up plateauing, or even worse, ending up with a few more pounds of fat than when you started. The other problem is staying in the correct calorie deficit for too long without going back to a maintenance period to avoid metabolic adaptations. I have worked with so many clients who have DESTROYED their metabolisms with a low-calorie intake and excessive beatdown workouts. That’s how we were told to do it, right? Starve ourselves and workout like crazy. The unfortunate repercussions are what we are seeing now. One of the hardest conversations to have with a new client is explaining that we need to eat more, and potentially gain some weight, to heal the metabolism before we can then get ready to strive for fat loss. Here are six signs that you are not eating enough: Are you always tired and have low

The “OLD” Way of doing fitness

Are you tired of the old way of doing fitness? The endless cycle of pushing yourself to the limit with harder and harder workouts, only to end up feeling exhausted and burnt out. It's time to shift our mindset and embrace a new approach to fitness. Instead of focusing on punishing our bodies with intense workouts, let's prioritize sustainable, enjoyable movement that nourishes our minds and bodies. Whether it's yoga, Pilates, dancing, hiking, or any activity that brings you joy, find what works for you and makes you feel good. Remember, fitness is not about punishment or extremes - it's about finding balance, listening to your body, and honoring what it needs. Let's ditch the old mentality and embrace a more mindful, holistic approach to fitness. Your body will thank you for it. 💪🌿 #FitnessEvolution #MindfulMovement #HolisticHealth

Get Lean After 40 ( here’s how)