Picture this: You finally get home after a long day and your stomach is growling. So you tell yourself, “Time for a healthy, home-cooked meal!" But then you raid your fridge, cabinets, and pantry, and… Not a healthy option in sight. If this sounds familiar, you are NOT alone. And it doesn’t just happen with home-cooked meals. Without careful attention, other healthy habits can quickly fall off your radar, too. Like when your schedule gets a little out of control and you let a few workouts slide… Or you end up staying up too late one night and spend the rest of the week trying to catch up on your sleep. We unintentionally create so many unnecessary obstacles that block us from reaching our goals! 👉 Good news: I’ve got a simple formula that will help you stop that from happening… So you can take control of your environment — and get those results you’re working toward. All you have to do is come up with a “one-two action pla...
We’re on a mission to get Buffalo and surrounding areas fit and healthy! Let's make the 716 fit, healthy and active