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Showing posts from November, 2021

Thinking BIG and Tracking Small When Losing Weight

5 reasons to eat at home

Obesity related diseases are on the rise, as are the number of folks who are just plain unhappy with how their bodies look and feel. Cooking at home seems to be the first step in our road to healthier bodies. Here are the top 5 reasons that you should starting cooking and eating at home… Reason #1: Your Health Hyperprocessed foods are harmful to our health, and that’s exactly where you’ve been getting the bulk of your calories. Even restaurant food that contains fresh produce, chances are high that the produce is not organic, or local or non-GMO. Most of us are eating less than half of the recommended amount of fiber, fruit and vegetables, which eating at home could quickly change. Simple meals made at home with fresh produce and organic meats or eggs are nutritionally superior to over-flavored, over-processed restaurant food. Not to mention the high calorie beverages and starters that so often accompany a restaurant meal. When you eat at home you take in more nutrient-dense calories t...

prevent holiday pounds (survivial guide)

  The time is here for parties, family dinners, and goodies around the house. This is a recipe for disaster, and if you’re not careful it could reverse your fat loss results quicker than you can say Happy Holidays! I’d like to make it easy for you to stay on track with your healthy eating, even while being tempted by all kinds of holiday foods during this festive time of year, so keep reading for 5 Holiday Party Survival Guide Tips… Holiday Party Survival Guide Tip #1: Don’t Eat Anything Fried Fried food is loaded with fat and calories while offering zero nutritional value. It’s a lose-lose! Sure, fries and chips TASTE good, but healthier items also taste good. Just say no to the deep-fried items on the menu. You’ll be leaner, healthier and won’t have greasy fingers. Here’s a healthier alternative to frying foods… Use a broiler If you simply must have a French fry, then make them at home in your oven. Use sweet potatoes, as these are a more complex carbohydrate. Cut into matchstick...

Your Holiday Fat Loss Survival Tips

Did You Forget...

  …about your fitness goals? Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean that your fitness goals no longer matter. In fact, if you lose sight of your fat loss goals entirely this month, you’ll have a seriously rude awakening come January 1st. I have a better idea for you…let’s keep you focused on your fitness goals while still making room for some fun this holiday season. This means that you’ll need to learn how to indulge with control. While that may sound like an oxymoron, it IS possible to let loose and enjoy without throwing away the results that you’ve worked so hard for. Here’s how to stay fit this holiday season: Holiday Fitness Tip #1: It’s All About Moderation Don’t try to deprive yourself of all the foods you love, this is unrealistic. Instead, be smart about what you choose to eat. Enjoy your very favorite flavors of the season, but in moderation. Trim calories where you can by only eating those rich foods that you really enjoy. Also, be sure to limit the number of alcoh...

It’s Not How You START… It’s How You FINISH

Motivation To Get You Started..

  A dose of motivation will change your life almost overnight. The best part of my job is seeing clients achieve amazing results. Whether they drop a few sizes, lose the baby weight, get off their blood pressure meds, or shrink their waist, the excitement is always contagious. There really isn’t a clear way to describe the euphoria that settles in once you’ve realized your fitness goal. You have to experience it. Though each successful client is unique with different goals, one element unites them. They are all highly motivated. You see, I am in a unique position. I know how to get you (or anyone else who walks through my door) into great shape. I can coach you through a 50-pound weight loss. I can guide you to a healthier body. I can even train you into a toned athlete. But there is one catch. You’ll need to be motivated. See, saying that you want to get into great shape isn’t enough. You need motivation—and that’s just half of the equation. The other part (and the most important)...