There is incredible power in your daily habits . Your habits quite literally mold your body, your health and your accomplishments in life. And it turns out that there’s a special secret sauce to making new habits stick that I’d like to share with you today… This secret sauce goes against our instincts and the way that we are wired, which is why so many of us fail to make healthy, new habits truly stick and become part of our ongoing routine. It’s more natural for us to take on the role of a critic with ourselves than that of a cheerleader. We compare ourselves to others and focus on our flaws rather than pausing to celebrate our wins by really feeling good. This works against us because it is proven emotions create habits and that the positive emotion of FEELING GOOD is the BEST WAY to get a new habit to stick! Now if you’re anything like me then the idea of celebrating tiny little wins is a bit uncomfortable. I’ll feel good about myself when I do something substantial, you may t...
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