Sure, you do your best to eat healthy and live a fit and active lifestyle, but you’re still not satisfied with your body. Day after day of eating salads and hitting the gym and your body isn’t changing. It’s frustrating. And yet there are people, whom you know personally, with phenomenal bodies and very little body fat. What are they doing differently than you? You work out and eat healthy too! Why doesn’t your body look like theirs? What’s the big secret that they know about losing fat, getting lean, and looking amazing? The answer is as simple as it is difficult: Avoid Sugar. While you do your best to eat healthy, do you know how much sugar you are actually consuming everyday? The answer will surprise you. The average American consumes over 80 grams of sugar everyday, an amount that’s easily three times more than is safe and healthful. How much sugar do you eat? Write down the sugar count on everything you eat for the next few days and then find your average sugar gram intake. Now w...