Have you ever gone on a trip and found out you’ve been UPGRADED? Maybe it’s for a flight, car rental, or even your hotel room. Everything feels like a treat … better seats, better ride, better sleep. Well … that’s what your body feels like when you UPGRADE your food choices. When you STOP feeding it ultra-processed food and START giving it food that’s flooded with benefits (more fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc.), your body feels like it got an upgrade! Basically, it’s all about SWAPPING out things that block you from your results … and replacing them with foods that move you closer to your goals! Here are just a few examples of upgrade swaps to try: Chips → Nuts Why upgrade? Potato chips contain very little in the way of positive benefits for your results or your health. They’re high in sodium, usually contain unhealthy fats, and their refined carbs can send your blood sugar up. Meanwhile, nuts contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats, fiber, and micronutrients you...