A toned, lean stomach is the ultimate sign of a fitness plan that’s working. It’s also one of the hardest things to achieve. It’s time that you forget everything you’ve heard about how to sculpt your abs. The truth is that crunches simply won’t give you a six-pack. Ever. Doing crunches with the hope that it will turn your midsection into a washboard is to operate under the most widely held fitness myth. I’m talking about the spot reducing myth. Here’s the truth: training one area of your body will not specifically burn fat from that area. Even those who have heard that spot reducing is a myth often still train as if it is true. So here’s the hard truth that you need to face: Doing crunches will not magically make your tummy shrink, it will not cause your muffin top to melt away, and it will not give you washboard abs. Only a reduction in body fat will do that for you. So want the secret to great abs? The secret to great abs is a combination of fat burning card...
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