Bet you didn't know THIS about your metabolism...
When your metabolism slows it throws off your hormones, there's a new power struggle that kicks in...
Progesterone vs. cortisol
Now, progesterone plays multiple essential roles, not the least of which is curbing your stress response from cortisol.
What does this mean in a broad sense?
Less progesterone = higher cortisol response.
Cortisol = 'survival mode' and fat buildup.
So when you stress about things and your mind is occupied with a mound of BS you have to deal with...
Or you hit the gym for too long and put tons of extra physical stress on your body...
Expect more stored fat covering up that muscle tone you've worked so hard for.
It sucks, but it's the truth.
That's why no amount of cardio will get the job done.
Why no amount of food cutting (another stressor) will work, either.
This leaves only one answer to eliminate that constant push-pull — only one way to minimize the minuses of exercise and eating and stress at the same time.
If you haven't figured it out yet, don't worry.
I show you here....
Want to drop some body fat? Today I have 7 simple and effective ways for you to shed that unwanted body fat. While fat loss can be quite frustrating, these 7 strategies are proven to help you slim down fast. 1. Drink a Gallon of Water Water is always a crucial element for proper bodily functions, and even more so when fat loss is your goal. The conversion of fat into energy takes place in your liver, and this process requires that you be well hydrated. Drinking a gallon of water over the course of your day is a wonderful goal to aim for. This goal is easily met when you get into the habit of sipping water throughout the day, coupled with drinking a full glass before meals, upon waking and before bed. 2. Cut out Alcohol This fat loss tip is always met with groans, but despite its unpopularity it remains one of the most effective. The first reason that alcohol should be cut out in order to lose fat is that it’s filled with empty calories. These are simple sugars that taste great bu...
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