All workouts were not created equally. Sadly, many people simply waste time in the gym. Here are 5 tips to ensure that every minute of your workout is well spent burning fat and toning your muscles… Workout Smarter Tip 1: Use More Resistance In order to get the most from each rep it’s important to challenge your muscles, and not to simply go through the motions. If you are able to complete 15 repetitions easily, then the weight is too light. On the flip side, if you aren’t able to perform an exercise through its full range of motion, and find yourself cheating on form, then the weight is too heavy. The correct weights will feel challenging by your last few repetitions but won’t force you to sacrifice form. Workout Smarter Tip 2: Keep it Fresh You may have noticed that most people do the same exercises each time they visit the gym. Maybe you’ve been doing the same exercise routine as long as you can remember—if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it, right? The truth is that exercise r...
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