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Ever fall for this bad diet advice?

There’s a lot of BAD advice out there when it comes to weight loss. The worst part is, the bad advice can be hard to spot because it’s usually disguised as the “secret” to weight loss, OR it’s coming from someone with a large following and a chiseled body. Maybe you may have fallen for some of the bad diet advice, but now you know better. But maybe you still have friends falling for it and you desperately wish you could save them. How do you know how to spot bad diet advice? Here’s a few hints: - Demonizing a specific food or food group. Whether it’s carbs, fats, sugar, or fruits, bad diet advice usually involves making you believe that you need to cut out certain foods completely to lose weight. - Overly restricting calories or portion sizes If a person is trying to tell you that you should basically starve to lose weight, RUN in the opposite direction. For long-lasting weight loss, you should actually feel comfortable and satisfied, not hungry and deprived. - A one-size-fits-all app

Wanna Lose Weight? Follow The Science

One ESSENTIAL Habit You Need (for weight loss)

It’s incredibly frustrating to hit a wall with your fat loss . When your results stop but your diet and exercise haven’t changed, it’s quite often dehydration that is the culprit. Most people are chronically dehydrated which means that they are not drinking enough water throughout the day. There are 2 main reasons that not drinking enough water causes you to gain weight... 1. Thirst often feels like hunger - which leads to overeating Most of the time when we think we are hungry, and find ourselves reaching for a snack, it’s actually due to thirst that’s simply disguising itself as hunger. This leads to regrettable food decisions throughout the day - and all of these undesirable calories add up and work against your body fat and energy levels. 2. Dehydration slows down body functions - including your metabolism It's been reported that 75% of Americans suffer from Chronic Dehydration which leaves the body vulnerable to weight gain, illness, injury and further increases the risk of co

Top 3 biggest weight loss mistakes (and a BONUS tip)

Are you making one of these mistakes that could completely ruin your ability to lose weight and keep it off? Most people are. A large majority of people are always hoping to lose anywhere from 5 to 20 pounds, especially this time of year. Yet, only a small percentage ever reaches their goal and an even smaller percentage maintain the weight loss for more than a few months after. The truth is, most people who are hoping to lose weight are making one of these mistakes that will completely derail their efforts: 1.) Too much too soon Most people jump head first into a restrictive diet program that involves cutting out certain "bad" foods or food groups. They commit to giving up their favorite treats for a few weeks and they fall for the lie that certain foods cause weight gain. The truth is, the types of foods you eat don’t cause weight-gain. The amount of food you eat can cause weight-gain if you’re eating in portions that aren’t customized to your body and your goals. 2.) Sh

YOUR Weight Loss Journey In 3 Simple Steps

Your Success Checklist| Weight Loss Results

  It’s the season for setting goals … and today I’ve got something that will help you to make them a reality! It’s a checklist to stay on-track, no matter what goals you’re working toward. Let’s jump in... 10 Steps to Conquering Your Goals 1. FOCUS & DECIDE. Instead of choosing several goals to work on all at the same time, harness all that energy and focus it toward just 1-2 main goals. 2. Pick the goal with your BIGGEST WHY. This is the goal that you emotionally connect with and have a STRONG REASON for choosing. (example: “I want to have the energy to play with my kids.” - that’s a pretty big reason) It’s your “WHY” that keeps you going, so it has to be a good one. 3. COMMIT (No, Really.) Commit the right amount of resources (time, energy, and attention) to make your goal a reality. Treat it like anything else important in your life - because it IS! 4. MAKE A PLAN. Every Sunday, set aside 15-30 minutes to plan out your week and make sure you have what you need on-hand and read