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You don't want an efficient metabolism... here's why

Stupid Simple Advice For Easy Fat Loss

Prime, Power, and Peak: Unlock Your Ultimate Fitness Potential!

Keep the Promises You Keep to Yourself | Make Fitness a Non-Negotiable!

Mastering Your Metabolism After 40 | Boost Energy & Achieve Optimal Fitness

Eat more food = better results

That can’t be true! How could it be? I’ve always heard you need to eat less and move more. Let me explain. In order to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit doesn’t mean 0 calories… A calorie deficit means that you need to burn more calories than you consume. Here’s where most people get it wrong though. Your body needs a MINIMUM number of calories to function properly. Your heart beats. Your lungs breathe. Your organs function. Your brain thinks.   This all requires fuel (aka calories). If you eat too FEW calories, your body will regulate in order to protect itself (survive). Your metabolism will slow down, you will burn muscle for energy, and your body will want to store more fat.    Fat is the longest, slowest burning energy source that we have. Will you lose weight this way?    Absolutely. But the goal isn’t to weigh 0 lbs… The goal is to be strong, lean, and toned.    FOR LIFE! So eat the amount your body needs and get better results!    Win/Win.

H.O.W To Lose Weight and Achieve Amazing Results

Many have tried different programs, gyms, fad diets and everything else in the past and have never quite gotten the results they desire. In this video, I explain H.O.W to achieve the results you desire (and deserve!) H.O.W stand for: H- Honest about your big "WHY" O- Open to stopping the roller coaster of jumping from one program to another (which never works) W- Willing to do the work and follow a proven formula or system Very powerful message for REAL (and lasting) change

Moving TOWARDS (or away) From Your Fitness Goals

BREAK Those Limiting Self Beliefs and Achieve Amazing Results

2 BIGGEST Weights Holding You Back In Your Weight Loss Journey

Thinking BIG and Tracking Small When Losing Weight

Your Holiday Fat Loss Survival Tips

It’s Not How You START… It’s How You FINISH

What Is The 1 Thing That Can Supercharge Your fat Loss Results

Wanna Burn More Calories? Think About This

2 Factors Of Sustained Weight Loss

Losing weight and dropping fat is frustrating and can be discouraging. After helping over a thousand people achieve their health and fitness goals I have noticed 2 factors that have worked 100% of the time. In this video, I explain both factors and how it can help you.

5 Easy Ways to Drop 5 Pounds

5 Top Reasons To Exercise (Weight Loss Is Just 1 Reason!)

7 Things Fit People Do