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The thing holding you back

  The thing holding you back is something that you have complete control over:   it’s the intensity with which you exercise. Intensity is something that’s difficult for the outside observer to measure but is felt within your body as you go through the motions of an exercise. It’s how hard you push yourself to go as heavy and as quickly as possible. It’s picking up a weight that feels hard to handle. It’s putting a boost behind each stride as you run. It’s resisting the urge to simply go through the motions. It’s outdoing your efforts from last time. Now I understand the urge to put out token effort in your workout, going through the motions while cutting corners along the way. We all have days when the weights feel extra heavy and our energy stores feel depleted, and those days will naturally be less intense. However, when low intensity workouts are your norm, you simply won’t ever achieve the results that you’re hoping for. And this is something that you completely control. So, as you

These junk foods are keeping you stuck

  Want to know the #1 roadblock that’s stopping people from reaching their goals? This is based on my years of experience, but there’s plenty of science to back it up. The #1 thing – not mindset-related – that stops people from reaching their fitness & health goals is … drumroll … Eating ultra-processed foods. By that I mean: frozen or prepared meals, instant noodles, and soups baked goods, (pizza, cake, cookies, packaged bread, etc.) processed cheese products, ice cream, candy breakfast cereals chips, crackers, and other packaged snacks processed meats (sausages, fish fingers, chicken nuggets, processed ham) sodas & other sugary drinks   If you have serious fitness goals, these foods are NOT your friends (even if they fit your macros). Not only do these food products contain less fiber, vitamins, and minerals than whole (unprocessed) foods … But they also contain unhealthy added sugars, fats, and salt. AND: they are  engineered  to make you want to eat MORE than you would if y

When life has you feeling like Whac-A-Mole

  D o you remember Whac-A-Mole?    You know, the arcade game where a mole keeps popping up in unpredictable spots and it’s your job to smack it on the head? Well, that’s kind of like how stress works. Except you are the mole … and when stress gets out of control, every time you make a move, it keeps bopping YOU on the head. Not only do you feel out of control, but it can also make you feel too tired or distracted to get in a solid workout. Even worse, it can derail your workouts entirely (which sucks, because working out is a great stress reliever). This is why it’s SO IMPORTANT to have a plan to manage stress before it manages you.  I came across this list of 6 different kinds of stress a while ago and thought it was eye-opening.    Since most of us deal with more than one kind of stress at a time, you can see how it really adds up! Physical stress:  bad night of sleep, being sick, hungry, or injured Mental stress:  rough day at work, too many decisions to make, overwhelmed Emotional

tired of waiting?

  Are you still looking forward to the day that you’ll be lean and fit? Do you tell yourself that you’ll start living healthy tomorrow? Or next week? After you’ve had just one more pizza dinner and one more lazy day on the couch… Then you’ll commit yourself to eating healthy and exercising daily, right? It’s time to realize that this way of thinking is a sneaky little trap. One that has fooled all of us at some point. You see, when you put off healthy living to some designated day in the future, you’re putting the responsibility of action on your future self. Tricky, since your future self doesn’t even exist yet. Only you , in the present moment, are capable of making action happen. Being fit and lean is the result of thousands of healthy choices – all made in the present moment. So give your future (fictional) self a break and start making real, tangible progress towards your goal – right now, in this moment. Begin right now by calling or emailing today to get started on

Are You Overcomplicating it?

How To Stop Craving The Wrong Foods

  You wake up each morning with every intention of eating "good" today. You'll skip the drive thru line on your way to work. You'll refuse to get fast food with co-workers at lunch. You'll boycott the vending machine in the mid-afternoon. And you won't even think about having dessert after dinner. But then your cravings win. Your friend drops by with a big fluffy muffin and a latte for breakfast. A group of co-workers invite you to that greasy spoon down the street for lunch. Cake is passed around at the mid-afternoon staff meeting. And after dinner your honey surprises you with a bowl of your favorite ice cream. You tell yourself that tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow you won't give in to food cravings. But then tomorrow comes with its own special circumstances, and cravings get the best of you once again. Why Do Food Cravings Always Win? Let's face it, we live in a world where food temptations are everywhere...which lead to cravings,