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Showing posts with the label Applied Fitness buffalo personal training


  Talk to 10 people and you'll get 10 different opinions on the best way to get fit.One will tell you to attend an aerobics class. Another will swear by jogging.  Yet another will tell you that dance and biking worked for them.The truth is that there's really only one effective way to get fit. Before I get into the details, it’s important that we agree on the definition of 'fit'. Too often thin is mistaken for fit, and that's not what you should strive for.  When someone is thin, but has very little muscle tissue, they aren't truly fit.  Here’s why thin doesn’t equal fit:  Their body fat percentage will be higher than ideal—even though you won't see a lot of fat on them, if their muscle percentage is low then fat percentage will be higher.  Their resting metabolism will be low, since little muscle is present to burn calories at rest.  Their body won't be functionally strong, which will lead to injuries and frustrations. So ho...

5 Fitness Secrets

If you would like to look and feel great, then I’ve got good news for you: follow these 5 Fitness Secrets and your goal will quickly become a reality.  These secrets aren’t secret in the sense that you’ve never heard them before, because you likely have heard them. The secret is that by faithfully following each and every one of these 5 steps your progress will become automatic and your results will be guaranteed.  Fitness Secret #1 : Consistency is KEY If you want a fit body then exercise MUST be a consistent part of your life. You can’t exercise hard this week and then take the next two weeks off and expect to see results. Results come from consistency.  Fitness Secret #2 : Set ATTAINABLE goals Let’s be realistic here, you aren’t going to lose 20 pounds in a week. That’s not an attainable goal! Those who achieve the most amazing body transformations do so by reaching a series of progressive, attainable goals. If you would like help in determining what an appropriate, at...

Are you playing LONG or SHORT?

There are two distinctly different approaches to losing the fat and getting into amazing shape. One of these approaches works. (Every. Single. Time.) And the other approach fails. (Every. Single. Time.) I call these the Fitness Short Game and the Fitness Long Game. Let’s find out which game you’re playing… Fitness Short Game:   Those who choose to play short are looking for the quick fix. They are looking for the program that will give them dramatic fat loss results in the shortest amount of time. They want results, they want it NOW, and they don’t play to stick with it. This is the instant gratification crowd. Fitness Long Game:   Those who choose to play long are focusing on making lifestyle changes to sustain for the long haul. They are working on steadily adapting healthier habits and putting in the time and effort to maintain these improvements. They are patient and focused on their end goal, knowing full well that gratification will be delayed, and results will be perman...

Is this sticky goo building up in your body?

  Today’s topic may make you rethink how you cook your meals, i.e., more salads and less flame-roasted burgers! It has to do with a gooey, disease-promoting substance that can build up in your body because of 1) the foods you eat and 2) how you prepare them. Here’s a visual: picture your grill after you’ve just finished cooking. You know all those sticky bits that glue themselves to the surface? Those bits are like the Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) or “glycotoxins” that can build up in your system. AGEs are linked with premature aging, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure, heart disease, high blood sugar, and more. They can form when a protein or fat combines with sugar in your bloodstream. They also can form in foods that have been exposed to high temperatures (grilling, frying, roasting, etc.). They cause oxidative stress and inflammation in your body. The good news is that you have some built-in ways to get rid of AGEs, BUT … If you eat too many of them or too many for...

3 simple eating habits for fat loss

  If you’re looking to lose weight then these 3 habits are a must… 80% of your fat loss results are based on your diet. You can exercise hard every single day, but if you are making these 3 common mistakes then fat loss is going to be slow or nonexistent… Diet Habit #1: Eat More Wholesome Calories Starvation diets simply do not work. Restricting too many calories slows your metabolism to a grinding stop and causes your body to store those precious calories instead of burning them off. But that’s not all… Starvation diets inevitably lead to rebounding with overeating that causes you to gain even more weight. There is a huge benefit to eating the right amount of wholesome calories, spread out throughout the day. Your metabolism is revved up and fat loss becomes automatic. Of course, these must be WHOLESOME calories and not junk! Diet Habit #2: Eat More Protein Protein is important for a variety of reasons, and sadly most of us simply do not get enough protein in our daily diets. When...

When you’re too tired for self-care

  The other day I saw a former client at the grocery store. She’s a great person – always makes me smile! But as soon as she saw me, she actually looked like she felt guilty. “I keep meaning to get back in to see you, but honestly I’ve been too tired to even think about it,” she told me. Guess what? I totally get it! At some point during the past couple of years, we’ve probably ALL felt too tired: worn out and like everything was just too much work. Even our own self-care. But I’m going to tell you something you already know, deep down. Once you get (re)started, you’re going to feel so good – so POSITIVE – that you’ll wonder why you waited so long. There’s nothing more energizing than GETTING STARTED. Because you realize it’s not the big deal you’ve built it up to be in your head … you feel proud of yourself for taking action … and you get excited about all the possibilities! That positivity moves you forward until you start experiencing all of those amazing physical benefits … ...