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What separates a fitness star from a couch potato?

What separates a fitness star from a couch potato? There is one reason why most people haven’t yet reached their goals, and it’s a simple one. It’s something that I’ve struggled in the past, and it just may be the one thing that’s holding you back from your big breakthrough. That one thing is consistency. Think about it. The difference that separates a fitness star from a couch potato is the consistency with which the former applies to their diet and exercise routine. That’s it! Look, I know you can exercise and eat right. You’ve done it before! But a fitness plan only works when you consistently stay with it. You start, stop, start again, take a few days off, then get back on track. This haphazard effort will never lead to a dramatic body transformation! What if I told you that you’re 5 feet from gold? That if you simply dug in a little deeper, and stuck with the program with consistency, you’d finally achieve the big results that you’ve been hoping for all along. You are 5 feet

6 foods that make your body say “ouch”

Talk about an accidental discovery ... I’ve got a client who went on a trip to Europe a few years ago. She ate differently than she did here in the US – basically less processed foods and more whole foods (veggies, fruits, proteins, etc.). Can you guess what happened? After a few days, almost every one of her everyday aches and pains went away. Pains she had gotten used to – a sore knee, a tight low back, etc. – were pretty much GONE. And this happened even though she was MORE ACTIVE all day, walking and sightseeing. Not to mention sleeping on strange beds. It made such a difference that when she came home, she decided to keep it up – staying away from all her favorite go-to’s for snacks and weeknight meals. She learned a valuable lesson: Sometimes, making a slight change in your lifestyle or everyday diet can have a HUGE payoff. There are a lot of foods out there that can increase inflammation in your body. And as you probably already know, inflammation is linked with aches & pai

Wanna Burn More Calories? Think About This

This explains those extra 15 lbs

  Ready for a mind-blowing stat? Between the ages of 30 and 60, the average adult will gain 1 lb of weight and lose ½ lb of muscle every year! That’s a total gain of 30 lbs of fat and a loss of 15 lbs of muscle ... … and even though that only accounts for a 15-pound shift on the scale, it amounts to a MAJOR change in your body composition. It’s easy to think this doesn’t matter to you now – but the fact is, it DOES. Because this isn’t only about the weight. It’s about your overall health. It can affect your strength, make it harder for you to be active, and is linked with osteoporosis. Plus an excess of body fat is linked with many serious chronic diseases. Age-related muscle loss (called sarcopenia) is REAL. Scientists used to think it was inevitable, but now they know there are steps you can take to help prevent it. It boils down to: The right kind of exercise (especially resistance training) and Whole food “clean” nutrition that includes enough protein. Both of those habits lay the

Your anti-aging guide (attention:woman over 50)

  I’ve got a couple of anti-aging exercises for you in this BLOG … all backed by science. Fact: Research shows that some body parts naturally get less mobile (i.e., more locked-up) as we get older — starting as early as our 30s and 40s. That’s still young, if you ask me! Anyway … two major areas that don’t move as easily as we get older are our trunk (aka upper back & core) and our shoulders. But the good news is, just as you can continue to build and strengthen your muscles as you get older, practicing flexibility and mobility exercises can keep you feeling limber. And even more importantly, potentially help you avoid shoulder and back injuries. I have a couple of exercises that are designed to help you rebuild and restore mobility through your shoulders and trunk. We’ve even filmed some videos to show you how fast & simple these exercises are. They take just a few minutes, and if you make time for them 3–4 times a week you’ll notice results FAST. For even more benefit, do the