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What Exactly Is a Boutique Fitness Studio (and why should you care)

If your goal is to lose weight and drop inches then knowing what you can expect from joining a big "box" gym vs a private boutique studio can make a huge difference. Typically, big "gym" are transactional. You pay a monthly fee and are granted access to equipment. Whereas a boutique studio is "transformational" You become a client and are given results. Both have their place and in this video, I explain the difference.

Fitness Domination Checklist

Your success Dominating checklist: Your 10 Step Fitness Domination Checklist. Print out and implement! 1. FOCUS & DECIDE. Instead of choosing several goals to work on all at the same time, harness all that energy and focus it toward just 1-2 main goals- Controlled Attention. This is what allows a small woman to lift a car when her child is stuck underneath it- She has a Major goal (saving the kid), and she focuses every atom and cell in her body and mind on that single purpose of attaining that goal, and she lifts a car. 2. Pick the goal with your BIGGEST WHY. This is the goal that you emotionally connect with and have a STRONG REASON for choosing. (example: “I want to have the energy to play with my kids.” - that’s a pretty big reason. Become an EVEN better spouse, partner, employee, Leader, Communicator...person) It’s your “WHY” that keeps you going, so it has to be a good one. 3. COMMIT (No, Really.) Commit the right amount of resources (time, energy, and attention) to make

Do you eat enough protein?

Protein is the secret to a supercharged metabolism because protein FEEDS lean muscle. Lean muscle is responsible for a strong sexy posture and lean muscle burns 3 times as many calories at rest as fat does. This means that the more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn… If you want to get or stay lean you MUST make protein a priority. Here are 3 ways to do this every single day: Step 1. Set a protein GOAL To keep things very simple you should be aiming for just under 1 gram of protein per pound of desired bodyweight. So, for example if you currently weigh 150 pounds but your goal weight is 130 pounds -- you should be aiming to hit about 120 grams of protein per day. When deciding where to use your calories in a day make sure you always prioritize protein these means every single meal should include a high-quality lean protein -- pick your protein first then look at your remaining calories for fat and carbohydrates. Step 2. Two Shakes a Day One of the best ways to prioritize

Wanna Lose Weight?⎟Interest vs Commitment

Avoid These 3 Diet Mistakes

It’s been said that 80% of your fat loss results are made in the kitchen, so it’s no surprise that DIET MISTAKES are what get most of us off track with our fat loss efforts. You can exercise hard every single day, but if you are making these 3 common mistakes then fat loss is going to be slow or nonexistent… Diet Mistake #1: Not Eating Enough Wholesome Calories Starvation diets simply do not work. Restricting too many calories slows your metabolism to a grinding stop and causes your body to store those precious calories instead of burning them off. But that’s not all… Starvation diets inevitably lead to rebounding with overeating that causes you to gain even more weight. There is a huge benefit to eating the right amount of wholesome calories, spread out throughout the day. Your metabolism is revved up and fat loss becomes automatic. Of course, these must be WHOLESOME calories and not junk! Diet Mistake #2: Not Eating Enough Protein Protein is important for a variety of reasons, and sa