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Showing posts with the label fat loss

Look Your Best for the Holidays

With holiday parties and gatherings quickly approaching, most of us are now thinking about looking our best while dressed in our finest. Too bad that losing body fat is a slow and steady process, rather than an instantaneous fix. However…I do have an extremely effective 2-step method for losing belly fat faster than ever, and I’d like to share it with you today so that you can utilize it to look and feel your best this holiday season. Look Your Best for the Holidays.  This deadly, fat-incinerating method fights fat simultaneously on two separate fronts for maximum effectiveness: your sugar intake and your high intensity workouts. First:  This step requires zero extra effort on your part! In fact all you have to do is NOT do something that you’re currently doing! You stop consuming refined sugar, in all its forms. This means no sodas, no desserts, no packaged snacks, no candy, no mocha lattes, NO SUGAR AT ALL! When you stop to evaluate your diet, it may be shocking to find out how much

Mastering Your Metabolism After 40 | Boost Energy & Achieve Optimal Fitness

YOUR New Years Fat Loss Plan

  As the countdown to the New Year begins, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating the future. It’s the perfect time to set goals and make resolutions, especially when it comes to our health and fitness. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of setting healthy New Year’s resolutions and provide you with some practical tips to ensure your journey towards fitness success. Define Your Goals: The first step towards achieving fitness success is to define your goals. Are you looking to lose weight, gain muscle, improve flexibility, or enhance overall well-being? Be specific and set achievable targets that align with your personal preferences and abilities. Create a Realistic Plan: Once you have established your fitness goals, it’s essential to create a realistic plan that fits into your lifestyle. Set aside dedicated time for exercise and choose activities that you enjoy. Whether it’s hitting the gym, joining a yoga class, or going for a daily walk, con

Effort is my Love Language

The real reason you skipped your workout

  It’s normal to exercise less this time of year. Most will blame this on all of the holiday activities that they have to take care of. The parties, the shopping, the baking, the wrapping… ( For a detailed action plan on how to Survive the holidays AND still lose weight.. read THIS ) While it’s true that there’s a lot to do, that’s not really why you aren’t working out. You’ve been just as busy in the past and you managed to keep your workouts consistent. So what is it? Why did you skip your workout? It’s because of stress. The stress is real this time of year. Obligations and expectations are coming at you from every angle, and somehow you are supposed to juggle it all with a smile on your face. It’s a setup for mismanaged stress to wreak havoc on your healthy routine. Mismanaged stress leads to overeating, overdrinking, headaches, weight gain, anxiety, fatigue and trouble sleeping. All of this overwhelm makes the idea of heading to the gym for a

Did you forget something….

Is this blocking your fitness?

  Getting fit and healthy can be a challenge for several complex reasons that go deeper than simply calories-in versus calories-out. What you associate with “pain” and “pleasure” may be blocking your fitness success. You’re avoiding the WRONG pain. We are programmed to avoid pain and to seek out pleasure. Unfortunately, this can block your fitness success if you view healthy diet and exercise as pain to be avoided. (Read Did You Forget as a reminder!) Do you cringe at the thought of exercise? Does the idea of eating healthy make you feel deprived? If so then you are associating exercise and diet with pain, and this is setting you up to fail over and over. The simple way to fix this is to focus on the negative impact that your current weight has on your health, self-esteem and lifestyle. Remind yourself that the pain of being out of shape is much greater than the pain of losing weight. Once you decide that the biggest pain to be avoided is the pain of being out

Fight Holiday Pounds

 The holidays have arrived with all the high-calorie food and drinks of the season. It’s really no wonder why most of us gain weight during the next five weeks. Sweet temptations are everywhere. Holiday cookies, gingerbread houses, pumpkin pies, and more. Even healthy foods like sweet potatoes and green beans are somehow transformed into high-calorie dishes that will make you want to do nothing but fall asleep. And don’t forget the drinks. Eggnog and alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories. Want to fight these holiday pounds? #1) Remember the Reason for the Season Sure, the holidays bring indulgent foods and drinks, but friends, gatherings, and family traditions aren’t only about food. Before a party remind yourself what the holiday season is all about—friends, family, giving, and religious traditions. Then stay focused on the reason for the season rather than the plate full of hors d'oeuvres in front of you. Also, stay focused on your fat loss goals.

did you forget?

  …about your fitness goals? Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean your fitness goals no longer matter. If you lose sight of your fat loss goals entirely this month, you’ll have a seriously rude awakening come January 1. I have a better idea for you…let’s keep you focused on your fitness goals while making room for some fun this holiday season. This means that you’ll need to learn how to indulge with control. While that may sound like an oxymoron, it IS possible to let loose and enjoy without throwing away the results you’ve worked so hard for. Here’s how to stay fit this holiday season: Holiday Fitness Tip #1: It’s All About Moderation  Don’t try to deprive yourself of all the foods you love. This is unrealistic. Instead, be smart about what you choose to eat. Enjoy your very favorite flavors of the season but in moderation. Trim calories where you can by only eating those rich foods that you really enjoy. Also, be sure to limit the number of alcoholic bever

4 Strategies To Stick to Your Fitness and Fatloss Program

Crush your goals like a Green Beret

  You know those moments when you feel like you’re up against a challenge SO big, it seems like there’s no way out?  Maybe you feel like you have a lot of weight to lose, or maybe you’re up against a health concern that seems “impossible” to fix.  The next time you encounter a goal that feels overwhelming, here’s a story taken straight from the Green Berets — a U.S. Army’s Special Forces unit known for its resilience and tenacity. Back during the Vietnam War, Army 1st Lt. James “Nick” Rowe spent more than 5 years as a prisoner of war… During that time, he was trapped in a 3’x4’x6’ (0.91 m × 1.22 m × 1.83 m) bamboo cage, and consistently beaten, tortured, fed garbage, and worse. When he eventually escaped, Rowe (who went on to become a colonel) credited his focus on small victories — looking for any way to gain a slight edge — with helping him survive.  For him, the small victories were things like tricking his captors, finding an extra bite of food, or writing

Playing the Fitness Long Game

  There are two distinctly different approaches to losing the fat and getting into amazing shape. One of these approaches works. (Every. Single. Time.) And the other approach fails. (Every. Single. Time.) I call these the Fitness Short Game and the Fitness Long Game. Let’s find out which game you’re playing… Fitness Short Game:  Those who choose to play short are looking for the quick fix. They are looking for the program that will give them dramatic fat loss results in the shortest amount of time. They want results, they want it NOW, and they don’t play to stick with it. This is the instant gratification crowd. Fitness Long Game:  Those who choose to play long are focusing on making lifestyle changes to sustain for the long haul. They are working on steadily adapting healthier habits and putting in the time and effort to maintain these improvements. They are patient and focused on their end goal, knowing full well that gratification will be delayed, and results will be pe

Boost you fitness success after 40

Breaking a bad habit

  Have you ever tried to quit a habit?  Depending on how long it has been a habit, it can be quite a challenge! I’ve got a powerful tip for you today that can help. Example: Let’s say you want to stop nighttime snacking. The next time you find yourself doing it, STOP (at least momentarily). Then, ask yourself without any judgment involved: What was happening just before you reached for those chips/cookies? Where were you? What were you thinking about? What were you doing? What were you feeling? Those questions can help you unearth the ROOT CAUSE of your habit. Nearly all of our habits serve a purpose. Or at least they did when we first started doing them. They may have eased boredom or loneliness, helped us deal with stress, given us a temporary shot of energy, and on and on!  But now the habit isn’t helping. You’ve outgrown it! When you can figure out the root cause SPARKING your habit, you are better equipped to find a ne

You have 1 of 2 decisions to make

Flipping the Switch: Turn Your Motivation On

 Have you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain amazing bodies while you struggle with your weight?  They make it seem so easy to achieve and maintain results. What do they know that you don't? When you boil it down, the answer is quite simple. The missing link between you and your ideal body is good old motivation.  A healthy dose of motivation coupled with determination will get you almost anything in life. So how do you know if you're genuinely motivated? Motivation will tell you to get out of bed for an early workout.  Motivation will nag you to put down the doughnut.  Motivation makes passing on fries a reflex.  Motivation makes a sweat drenched workout exciting.  Motivation constantly reminds you why you do what you do. If your motivation levels are lacking, read the following four steps to turn on your motivation. Step #1: Pinpoint Your Motivator.  Motivation stems from having a goal. What is your goal? Why do y

Fitness Success After 40

Fitness an infinite journey NOT a finite race

2 Tips To Help Supercharge Your Fat Loss

When I focused on this, everything fell into place

 We’re in the last lap of 2023 — and if you want to end the year with a giant exclamation point of accomplishment, there’s ONE THING you can do: Zero in on your “Sphere of Control.” That means focusing on things you actually have control over, like:  Your actions Your mindset Your effort … And letting go of everything else. Here’s a graphic that shows how this sphere works: When you focus on the things you control, you move FORWARD toward your goals. A few health and fitness examples of your sphere of control: Your workouts The quality of the food you eat Your performance and consistency Plus, your efforts in your “things you can control” circle carry a bonus. They can power the “things you can influence” by helping you make gains there, too. Some health/fitness-related examples in your sphere of influence: Setting up your bedroom so it’s cool, dark, and quiet, to help you get a great night of sleep Being consist