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Showing posts with the label fat loss

Are you a stress eater? Or meal skipper?

  If you’ve ever had a stressful day (or year!) that affected your eating habits, you are NOT alone. In a study,  more than 75% of adults said that stress played a role in their eating  during the past month.  This included overeating, eating junk foods, or not eating. Many of them said it happened weekly. They also said it made them feel sluggish, lazy, disappointed in themselves, and/or irritable. The good news is that I have a few tips below to stop stress from getting in the way of your results when it comes to food. But before I get into the tips, it’s important to know WHY stress affects our appetite.  Knowing why can help you manage the situation when you’re in it! When you get stressed, your body releases hormones to help you deal with stress.  Not only can these hormones – including adrenaline, insulin, and cortisol – cut your appetite and/or make you crave high-calorie, high-fat foods … They also can make your body store MORE fat than when you’re relaxed.   Not cool, hormones

The No. 1 hack to make big gains

I’ve got some great info for you today that I wanted to share ASAP because it can make a huge difference in your results. Every few days, someone will ask me what I think about some trendy fitness or wellness topic … things like fasting, supplements, a new fitness gadget … Basically, something (anything!) that’s designed to speed up your results. So, over the next few weeks, I’m going to focus on how to REALLY supercharge your results and break down specific actions you can take to elevate your results to the next level, fast. Because YES: it IS possible to make small changes that yield BIG results. In this post, I’ve got the #1 TIP to rocket you toward your goals. This is the absolute most important thing you should do before you get fancy with any trendy “hacks.” It’s to NAIL YOUR BASICS. What kind of basics? Here they are: Make sure you eat a healthy, whole-food-based diet that covers your nutritional needs. Sleep 7-9 hours a night. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity e

Want Faster, Easier and Quicker Fat Loss Results (duh…who doesn’t!)

Secret To a Supercharged Metabolism

Protein is the secret to a supercharged metabolism because protein FEEDS lean muscle. Lean muscle is responsible for a strong sexy posture and lean muscle burns 3 times as many calories at rest as fat does. This means that the more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn… If you want to get or stay lean you MUST make protein a priority. Here are 3 ways to supercharge your metabolism: 1. Set a protein GOAL To keep things very simple you should be aiming for just under 1 gram of protein per pound of desired bodyweight. So, for example, if you currently weigh 150 pounds but your goal weight is 130 pounds -- you should be aiming to hit about 120 grams of protein per day. When deciding where to use your calories in a day make sure you always prioritize protein these means every single meal should include a high-quality lean protein -- pick your protein first then look at your remaining calories for fat and carbohydrates. 2. Two Shakes a Day One of the best ways to prioritiz

3 simple eating habits for fat loss

  If you’re looking to lose weight then these 3 habits are a must… 80% of your fat loss results are based on your diet. You can exercise hard every single day, but if you are making these 3 common mistakes then fat loss is going to be slow or nonexistent… Diet Habit #1: Eat More Wholesome Calories Starvation diets simply do not work. Restricting too many calories slows your metabolism to a grinding stop and causes your body to store those precious calories instead of burning them off. But that’s not all… Starvation diets inevitably lead to rebounding with overeating that causes you to gain even more weight. There is a huge benefit to eating the right amount of wholesome calories, spread out throughout the day. Your metabolism is revved up and fat loss becomes automatic. Of course, these must be WHOLESOME calories and not junk! Diet Habit #2: Eat More Protein Protein is important for a variety of reasons, and sadly most of us simply do not get enough protein in our daily diets. When it

5 Ways To get Back On Track

  Have your weight loss results stopped? Or never got started? Before you blame a fitness plateau for your lack of results let’s take a hard look at the following: 1. Your Diet: It’s human nature to begin to slip on your nutrition after a few weeks of stringent diligence. A small treat here, and a bite of something there, and before you know it you’ve fallen back into old eating habits. If your results have stopped then take the next few weeks to track your nutrition and hold yourself accountable for every bite. 2. Your Workouts: If your nutrition has truly stayed on point then your workouts could be the problem. Are you slacking on the final few reps? Have you reduced your overall intensity in the gym? Did you skip a few sessions last week? Before you blame a plateau for your reduced results take a really hard look at your effort in the gym. Rededicate yourself to pushing as hard as you can. 3. Your Sleep: This is a tough one for so many people, but you simply must be getting a