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My best tip

  A lot of people have been asking me lately… “How do I stay on track?” “What’s the secret to keep seeing results?” This time of year, one of two things tend to happen: You’ve been doing well with your routine, but your results are starting to plateau. Or… You’re struggling to stay on track if you haven’t fallen off already. So here is my BEST tip… You MUST get a minimum of 3 workouts per week in. Now before you blow off this tip, let me explain! Everything snowballs from 3 workouts per week. When you work out 3x per week a few things happen: You want to eat better because you worked out. You sleep better. You have more energy. You FEEL better. You are more motivated. You want to keep working out. Now you aren’t always going to feel like working out, but I promise you won’t regret it. So, pull up your calendar right now and create an event for each of your workouts this week and moving forwards. You’ve got this! 💪 Dedicated to your success, Brian P.S Whenever you are ready we ar

I don’t feel like it today

  There are going to be days you don’t feel like doing anything. I get it! I’ve been there 1000x before. But want to know the secret to achieving any goal in life? Something is better than nothing. It doesn’t matter what goal you are trying to accomplish, ANY progress is better than no progress at all. You are human. And to be human means that you are not going to be motivated 100% of the time. In fact even if you were motivated 80% of the time, that would be a LOT. Yet we beat ourselves up because we feel as though we should be like Mel Gibson from Braveheart rallying ourselves to victory 24 hours a day. It’s insane that we think this way. You are always going to go through ebbs and flows. For periods of time you will be highly motivated. Other times you are barely scraping by. It’s during the times that you are barely scraping by that doing something is better than doing nothing. And I do truly mean that you can do ANYTHING. It doesn’t matter what it is or for how long. It just n

The elephant in the room

  You know I am all about POSITIVE ACTION, right? Basically, focusing on the actions that will move you toward whatever it is that you want. Well, today I am going to get a little <gasp!> NEGATIVE. It’s time to take inventory of the things that are getting in your way – the hurdles between you and your vision of success. These hurdles drain your energy … resources … confidence … and make the journey from where you are NOW to where you want to BE longer and more challenging. Here’s what I’m talking about. Let’s say you have a goal of finally losing those extra pounds... What are you doing NOW that gets in the way of making that happen? If you’re serious about reaching success, it is time to start dealing with those obstacles. At Applied Fitness we definitely do NOT recommend cutting out every obstacle at once (or maybe ever). But it’s important to acknowledge them – because it takes their power away. If you start by targeting those obstacles one by one, you’ll have a better chanc