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Have You Tried This?

Ever wonder what would happen to your body if you stopped eating refined carbs? It’s well known that refined and processed carbs contribute to weight gain, and so reducing the amount of these in your diet would logically lead to a leaner, fitter you . But is it true, or is it hype? And is it really worth giving up your carb-o-holic ways? (READ: Fat Loss and Healthy Nutrition Blueprint ) Here’s what you can expect when taking a break from refined carbs… 1. You BURN FAT When you stop eating simple carbs your body no longer has readily available calories to burn, and so it clicks over into burning stored fat as energy. This means that your pants will start feeling looser around your waist and thighs. 2. You FEEL LESS HUNGRY Fat burns longer and slower than simple carbs and so your energy stores will take longer to deplete. This means that you’ll find yourself skipping that afternoon pick-me-up snack and powering through until mealtime without hunger pains. You’ll also notice that it takes

You Are NOT Alone...

  You know, the primary complaint I hear all the time from people trying to lose weight? "I dont think I can sustain this." It's funny because no man is an island and nobody can conquer the world without the help of an army.  It seems people would rather deal with their problems on their own than expose themselves as "weak" to others in asking for help. Let me ask you a question: who do you admire that has ever reached their goals by themselves? All the heros that you look up to have huge teams behind them. Neil Armstong Martin Luther King JFK Edison They all had tons of help! You can usually maintain motivation for the short term, but if you want to make health and fitness a lifestyle, you need people around you to encourage you when you hit the wall. We're all humans.  We go through slumps.  These downturns make finding motivation within a near-impossible task… But, if you have a partner – or better, a team – encouraging you to keep pushing through the r

Is Today Your Day One?

  I have a little challenge for you that can change your day (and week!) for the better. This quote is one of my favorites...  “One day, or Day One. You decide.” – Unknown With this topsy-turvy year, one of the many lessons has been that there’s uncertainty in life.  If you’re waiting for SOMEDAY to start taking care of yourself – well, that day doesn’t exist.  “There are seven days in the week. Someday isn’t one of them.”  It’s time to start making yourself a priority RIGHT NOW. Especially when it comes to your health and wellness. You DESERVE IT. This leads me to my mini-challenge for you today. What is ONE step you can take today to help you feel healthier, fitter, stronger, and more energized? It can be as simple as … → Going for a walk → Doing some squats  → Making a green smoothie for breakfast → Trying some pushups → Meditating for 10 minutes → Switching to strawberries for dessert → Reaching out to a coach you trust to help you get started  Now … make a commitment to yourself

Finish 2020 Lean, Fit, Strong and Healthy


So that happened. Your weekend ended up being one long binge of too much food and drink, and now you feel terrible. Halloween led to a sugar-induced "Sugar Hangover" I’m not here to judge – just here to help you pick up the pieces and move on. Use the following 3 steps to get right back on your feet, and back to eating and exercising right. 1. Draw a line in the sand. Decide here and now that your binge is over. Stop the self-destructive behavior and enlist the support from the important people in your life. 2. Remove the triggers from your home. Clean out the pantry, the freezer and the stash under your bed. Get these unhealthy foods out of your home and out of your way. See these items for what they really are—obstacles that prevent you from getting what you really want out of life. 3. Refocus your goals. Why were you eating healthy and exercising in the first place? Because you have goals. You have a vision of the healthy, fit body that you’re working to achieve. Focus