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5 Seconds to your Best Self

  Have you heard of the 5-second rule? (No, I am not talking about the 5-second rule for food dropped on the floor. :-) Call it whatever you want – your motivation, drive, or discipline – but this rule can be a total game-changer in that department. I’ve talked about this in the past, and come back to it time after time because it is SO IMPORTANT for your results. Yes, it’s true: your success can come down to as little as 5 seconds, according to author Mel Robbins, who wrote an entire book about it! Here’s how the rule works. The moment you get a “spark” to do something that will help you move closer towards your goals – you count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … and then you DO IT! That brief countdown is the amount of time it can take for your brain to kill your best motivations. (Read Flipping The Switch: Turn Your Motivation On ) There’s a part of your brain that HATES change – it likes to stay in its little comfort zone (even if you no longer find that zone very comfy). But if you are able to TAK

This “barometer” can predict your success...

I’ve got a throwback for you – and one that you’re going to love. It is all about SELF-EFFICACY, which is basically your success barometer . It’s a trait that can predict how successful you will be! What makes it even more awesome is that you can build and develop it in a short period of time. It’s almost like a superpower. Self-efficacy is basically a fancy term for what happens in the children’s story, “The Little Engine That Could.”  Do you remember it?  It’s about a train that had to climb a big hill … and at first it wasn’t so sure it was possible.  It chanted, “I think I can, I think I can,” … which turned into “I know I can, I know I can,” … and eventually it pulled itself to the top of the hill. Self-efficacy – the engine’s belief in itself that it could do hard things – is what powered that train up the mountain! In a nutshell, self-efficacy is like self-confidence at the next level. (Read Success Habits-How Clients Lose Body Fat ) It’s the KNOWING that you can count on you

Working this “muscle” will help you meet your goals

  So … I get this question a lot. “Brian, why do you always talk so much about motivation?” There are a LOT of reasons why … but the biggest one is that motivation smoothes out a lot of bumps on your path to success. And I want you to be successful. It’s why I do what I do every day! :)  Here’s the thing. Your motivation is like a muscle. And just like your physical muscles, you have to work on 1) building your motivation up and then 2) keeping it strong. It’s so much more fun to be EXCITED about your fitness & wellness than relying on sheer discipline and willpower to see you through.  Feeling motivated also means you’ll be more likely you’ll stick to your program and make real, significant progress. But … the tricky thing about motivation is that what works for you today might be different than what works for someone else … and also different than what works for you tomorrow. This is why I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you surround yourself with different tools, tricks, and tactics that keep

Beginner’s guide to fitness

  You look in the mirror and wonder to yourself:   How did I let myself go this far?     Whether you are brand new to fitness, or you’ve simply fallen out of shape recently, here is the quick beginner’s guide to get you back on track quickly. Change your in-front-of-the-mirror thought bubble to:   Wow, I’m looking amazing!   by reading on and taking the action steps below.   Start with Motivation:   Why do you want to get fit again? There must be a reason that you desire to change your body at this time in your life. Think about it until you have a very clear, very specific reason.   There is no wrong answer here. We all have our own personal motivators for wanting to achieve our best selves. What’s ultimately important is that your reason is specific and powerful to you.   Once you’ve determined what your motivation is, write it down where you can see it every day. Think about it. Focus on it. Don’t ever let go of it.   Work on Education:   You need to eat right and workout smart in o