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This index can predict your cravings

Since we’ve been talking about cravings this month … and one of the reasons we can have certain cravings is because of the foods we eat … We need to talk about the glycemic index (GI) … because it can play a BIG role in your cravings! We don’t generally pay a lot of attention to it – for example, the GI isn’t listed on food labels. A lot of times, the foods we crave (hello, carbs!) fall high on the GI scale – and eating them can make us crave even more! In a nutshell, the GI ranks foods on a scale of 1 to 100, based on how fast they cause your blood sugar levels to go up. Foods with a high glycemic index (GI) make it go up faster, and those with a low GI raise it more slowly. ( Read HERE: 7 Ways To Crave Less Sugar ) This matters because when your blood sugar goes up and down quickly, you can get cravings – and feel tired, shaky and blah … not to mention HANGRY (hungry + angry) … And even more importantly, it can have a MAJOR impact on your health and your waistline ... especially if

Has this happened to you yet?

  Maybe this has happened to you already … and if it hasn’t, there’s a good chance it will at some point! One day, seemingly out of the blue, your pants don’t button up as easily, or you notice that the scale creeps up faster than it used to. AND … it’s much harder than it used to be to get those pants to fit the way they once did (or return the scale to its former spot). It’s not your imagination! The truth is your metabolism naturally slows down as you get older.  It happens at different paces and different times for each of us, but I do have some good news for you. There are things you can do to offset it. (Read: The ONLY Effective Way To Get Fit HERE ) And the sooner you start, the better! Here are some of the top reasons your metabolism begins to slow: You’re less active  You’ve lost muscle Your body’s metabolic processes have slowed down because of age I’m going to outline a few key things you can do to keep your metabolism revved up as you get older. 1) Your activity level. This

How stress gets in the way of your results

  Have you ever had a hard day at work and been tempted to pull into the drive-through or pizza joint for a quick fix of junk food? Or maybe you think about stopping at the grocery store for a pint of ice cream. And you don’t even feel that bad about your plans to eat every single bite of it … After all, you’ve had a bad day, right? Stress eating is real. But guess what? It usually leaves you feeling WORSE after you finish it. You’re bloated … you’re tired … you feel blah … and maybe you even have a stomachache. And, most of the time you regret it or feel guilty about giving in afterward. (Read 7 ways to crave less sugar here ) Giving in to cravings can soothe you temporarily, but it sets you up for even more cravings in the future. ---> Here’s why: Your brain burns about half of your body’s daily carb requirements. (Do you think that’s as AMAZING as I do!?) Regular short-term “acute” stress can mean your brain needs about 12% more energy, which might explain the initial cravings. B