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5 Metabolism Myths-Busted!

 Sometimes, your metabolism works against you even when you think you’re doing everything right. It’s time you took a good, hard look at how your metabolism really works. Check out the metabolism myths below and then use your new knowledge to put your metabolism to work… Myth 1: Metabolism Works from 9 to 5 Difficult as it may be to believe, your body’s metabolism does not stop working when you do. In fact, your metabolism works all day, every day. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t even have the energy to get out of bed in order to read this article. (You are out of bed, aren’t you?) Also the time of day that you eat isn’t what makes you gain pounds. It’s what you eat. So if you think you can get away with eating that quarter-pounder with cheese, bacon, mayo, and bun; a large order of greasy fries; and a 32-ounce milkshake without any consequences—just because you ate it at lunch and not late at night—think again! Eat smart all day long, have a healthy snack at night if necessary, an

The 1 thing you need to reach your fitness goals

  I talk to a LOT of people workin’ on their fitness … and I see WAY too many of them falling into this same trap … They hopscotch all over the place, jumping from one thing to another – and then wonder why they aren’t reaching their goals! The shortest, fastest route to your goals begins with just one thing. It’s nothing fancy. It doesn’t require any special equipment. And you don’t need any secret inside knowledge. You just need a PLAN. But not just ANY copy & paste plan … I’m talking about  the right plan for YOU. It’s like putting an address into the map app on your phone. Usually, it comes up with several different routes to reach that address. Some of them will be faster than others … others might have tolls … others will have more traffic … and some of them will let you enjoy more scenery (or bumpy roads) along the way. And there might even be a route that you hadn’t thought about before! Which route you choose depends on what works best for YOU – because they all will get y

3-Step Excuse Buster

  Has this ever happened to you before? You’re planning to work out after work … but right when it’s time to leave, you start to think: You’re too tired The weather is too cold/hot/nice/cruddy You’re hungry You have too much to do You’re stressed You’re not sure what workout to do You really just want to watch something on Netflix etc.   And you’re tempted to give in and bag your workout. I get it! By the end of the day, a workout can seem like a LOT of effort in your head. BUT, before you let any of those excuses derail your goals, try this instead: Excuse Buster #1:  Take back your power from the voice in your head. Acknowledge that YOU control your actions – not your fleeting thoughts or whims. The choices you make and the actions you take TODAY play a direct role in your TOMORROWS … moving you closer or farther away. This is a very empowering mindset shift for any area of your life.   Excuse Buster #2:  Ask yourself: what’s REALLY driving your excuses? It’s probably not because you

The simple 80/20 rule for success

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? It can apply to just about everything in your life … including your health and fitness. It’s an idea that works for a LOT of people. Not only does it get them out of the “all-or-nothing” mindset with food and health – but it’s also really simple. It works like this:   80% of the time, eat nutritious whole foods: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins   Can’t get much simpler than that. On a practical level it can work like this (I’ve done the math for you!): There are 21 meals a week (3 meals a day x 7 days), and 80% of 21 is 17. This means you focus on healthy eating for 17 meals a week. Or if you’d prefer to break it down by your overall calorie intake, you’d devote 80% to healthy choices.   At 1,500 calories a day, that’s 1,200 calories of healthier options. At 2,000 calories a day, it equals 1,600 calories   With this approach, no food is ever off-limits. Many people say that it helps them create healthier food habit

5 Fitness Secrets

If you would like to look and feel great, then I’ve got good news for you: follow these 5 Fitness Secrets and your goal will quickly become a reality.  These secrets aren’t secret in the sense that you’ve never heard them before, because you likely have heard them. The secret is that by faithfully following each and every one of these 5 steps your progress will become automatic and your results will be guaranteed.  Fitness Secret #1 : Consistency is KEY If you want a fit body then exercise MUST be a consistent part of your life. You can’t exercise hard this week and then take the next two weeks off and expect to see results. Results come from consistency.  Fitness Secret #2 : Set ATTAINABLE goals Let’s be realistic here, you aren’t going to lose 20 pounds in a week. That’s not an attainable goal! Those who achieve the most amazing body transformations do so by reaching a series of progressive, attainable goals. If you would like help in determining what an appropriate, attainable goal