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The truth about being “body positive”

  I want to talk about a “feel-good” topic that’s finally becoming a mainstream trend. It’s BODY POSITIVITY … which basically means loving your body right this very minute – without any ifs, ands, or buts. Because, frankly, your body is a miracle! It deserves your care and respect because it works so hard to support you each and every day. And one of the BEST things you can do to show your body that love and support is to MOVE it – regularly and intentionally. That’s why this month we’re taking a deep dive into all the wonders of MOVEMENT and how it impacts pretty much EVERY aspect of your life! When you exercise regularly, your body just plain FEELS and FUNCTIONS better from the inside out. BONUS: You do NOT have to spend hours a week working out to get these payoffs. Here’s a list of just some of the many benefits: A longer life because you are less likely to die early from chronic disease. Less risk of heart disease , metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers (incl

Its Not JUST The Weight You Lose Its The Life You Gain (Journey of Trans...

A much better way to “detox” or “cleanse”

Everybody’s talking about doing “detoxes” and “cleanses” … but what does that really MEAN, anyway? And is it even a real thing? I want to flip the script on that idea as we dive a little deeper into “cleaning it up” this month. I had a big shift about this a long time ago that completely changed my perspective. So … a lot of “detoxes” focus on eliminating toxins and getting rid of wastes that are in your body. Here’s the issue with that: Your body already has a complex and amazing built-in detox system, made up of your skin, lungs, kidneys, colon, and liver. These organs all work together to filter out toxins and waste, and then help you get rid of them by sweating, through your breath, or when you’re in the bathroom. FACT: If there’s a breakdown in this system, you probably should see a doctor! BUT … what if the toxins in the foods you eat, the products you use on your body, or the chemicals in your environment start to overload your detox system, putting a lot of stress on it? It c

H.O.W To Lose Fat, Drop Inches and Weight

Powerful Checklist for Better Sleep!

  Hot topic alert today! It’s all about getting a GREAT NIGHT OF SLEEP. One of the top things that can get in the way of your fat loss and fitness results … is getting enough quality sleep. It can affect your mood, stress, appetite, and recovery … among many other things! In keeping with our “clean it up” approach to sleep, I want to talk about simple upgrades you can make to streamline your nighttime routine that can actually help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer! Here are some science-backed tips from the National Institutes of Health: Keep your evening routine simple – go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Your body loves having a regular daily rhythm and routine! Don’t work out within 2-3 hours of bedtime. This can leave you feeling “revved up” and make it harder to fall asleep. Don’t eat close to bedtime , and steer clear of alcohol after dinner. Alcohol might help you fall asleep, but you can get stuck in the “light sleep” phase all night. No afternoon