I’ve got a couple of anti-aging exercises for you in this BLOG … all backed by science. Fact: Research shows that some body parts naturally get less mobile (i.e., more locked-up) as we get older — starting as early as our 30s and 40s. That’s still young, if you ask me! Anyway … two major areas that don’t move as easily as we get older are our trunk (aka upper back & core) and our shoulders. But the good news is, just as you can continue to build and strengthen your muscles as you get older, practicing flexibility and mobility exercises can keep you feeling limber. And even more importantly, potentially help you avoid shoulder and back injuries. I have a couple of exercises that are designed to help you rebuild and restore mobility through your shoulders and trunk. We’ve even filmed some videos to show you how fast & simple these exercises are. They take just a few minutes, and if you make time for them 3–4 times a week you’ll notice results FAST. For even more benefit, do the