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Strengthen Your Immune System- 3 Steps To Take NOW!

Important news about your immune system

If this year has taught us anything, it has been how important it is to be PROACTIVE and take charge of your personal HEALTH and HAPPINESS as much as possible. We have heard a lot about preventing the spread of illnesses this year… but one thing that we haven’t heard much about is strengthening your body’s natural defenses against illness . I’ve got some science-backed info that you can take action on, starting today!  You already know that a healthy, balanced diet of whole foods (vs. processed) that are low in sugar is good for you.  And that keeping your routine steady – with enough sleep (7-8 hours a night) and not too much stress – is also good for your immune system. Moving your body also plays a major role – and researchers are still figuring out all the reasons how and why it matters so much! Here are just a few ... → It can keep your body’s lymphatic system moving. This system is a huge part of your immune system, keeping all your disease-fighting white blood cells and antibod

The Secret To Lean Legs...

  Wish your legs were thinner? Women everywhere complain about the size of their thighs. Fat and cellulite have a way of ending up there – especially in the upper, inner thigh area. I’m often asked how to quickly and easily reduce fat in this unwanted thigh region, so today’s article is all about reducing your thighs. First, I need to remind you that it’s not possible to spot reduce fat from one single part of your body, so my 3 steps to reduce your thighs will work by reducing your body fat percentage as a whole. It sure would be great if we could point a magic wand and make fat shrink from one particular spot, but that’s just not how the human body it built. The great news is that your entire body will become leaner and sexier in addition to your thighs shrinking! Here are my 3 steps to Reduce Your Thighs… Reduce Thighs Step #1: Ban Liquid Calories Liquid calories are a major problem for many, resulting in countless unwanted pounds and inches around their thighs. These calories are

5 Seconds to your Best Self

  Have you heard of the 5-second rule? (No, I am not talking about the 5-second rule for food dropped on the floor. :-) Call it whatever you want – your motivation, drive, or discipline – but this rule can be a total game-changer in that department. I’ve talked about this in the past, and come back to it time after time because it is SO IMPORTANT for your results. Yes, it’s true: your success can come down to as little as 5 seconds, according to author Mel Robbins, who wrote an entire book about it! Here’s how the rule works. The moment you get a “spark” to do something that will help you move closer towards your goals – you count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … and then you DO IT! That brief countdown is the amount of time it can take for your brain to kill your best motivations. (Read Flipping The Switch: Turn Your Motivation On ) There’s a part of your brain that HATES change – it likes to stay in its little comfort zone (even if you no longer find that zone very comfy). But if you are able to TAK

This “barometer” can predict your success...

I’ve got a throwback for you – and one that you’re going to love. It is all about SELF-EFFICACY, which is basically your success barometer . It’s a trait that can predict how successful you will be! What makes it even more awesome is that you can build and develop it in a short period of time. It’s almost like a superpower. Self-efficacy is basically a fancy term for what happens in the children’s story, “The Little Engine That Could.”  Do you remember it?  It’s about a train that had to climb a big hill … and at first it wasn’t so sure it was possible.  It chanted, “I think I can, I think I can,” … which turned into “I know I can, I know I can,” … and eventually it pulled itself to the top of the hill. Self-efficacy – the engine’s belief in itself that it could do hard things – is what powered that train up the mountain! In a nutshell, self-efficacy is like self-confidence at the next level. (Read Success Habits-How Clients Lose Body Fat ) It’s the KNOWING that you can count on you